Friday, September 20, 2019

Blog 2

         More than likely anyone who has been keeping up with the news has heard about the workers at GM going on strike. This current event is top of the radar when it comes to current events.
         As of right now 1.7 million jobs are at risk in the automotive industry. With the growth of the tech industries such as Uber and Tesla, it has caused a rapid decline in the automotive space. In our current climate, it is very real that everyone in the automotive industry will lose their jobs to new technology in the upcoming years. So, 50,000 GM (General Motors) workers took a stand for their job security and benefits. The UAW (United Auto Workers) are demanding higher wages, healthcare, and job security before the workers stop striking. These problems are not specific to the UAW, however. In the current presidential primary debates, health care reform is among the most anticipated topics. The current system is ineffectual and forces employees to obtain health care from their employers. Because of this, employers must finance these plans, and this limits the amounts they can pay to their employees. The UAW is speaking out, but these problems affect the entire population and Americans look to the government to determine a course of action that can adequately replace the current model.
        This article is relevant to anyone intrigued by current politics and issues. There is a lot to take away from it, like how workers are taking a stand for their future instead of losing their jobs to the new wave of technology.

Friday, September 6, 2019